From the Mind of Mesilla

Mommy, Mate, Me!

Day 8 October 7, 2010

Filed under: FlyLady,Little Man — mesillam @ 5:15 pm

Day eight was another easy day.  These routines are building, but they are still so easy.  They are definitely making a difference in my home and head, though.  I feel like a better wife, mommy and homemaker.  Well, I couldn’t find an empty binder for today’s challenge, so I will get one the next time I am out.  I did grab some paper and a pencil, though and followed the other instructions.  On two pages, I wrote down the morning and evening routines that FlyLady has been teaching.

This is the beginning of what she calls a “Control Journal”.  I’m not sure yet what else will go into the journal, but having these routines written down will definitely help me remember everything.  This will be easier than going to the website several times a day to make sure I am doing everything I am supposed to do.

In non-FlyLady news, Little Man is now officially rolling over!  This is actually bittersweet.  I love that he is growing and hitting the milestones he should be, but now I  can’t put him down and know he will be in exactly the same spot!  I will have to start using the playyard and other inclosed areas instead of just putting him on a blanket on the floor or the middle of my bed.  He is getting so big!

(I take his picture in that chair in his room every month on the third so I can compare the pictures and see how much he has grown.)


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